Geotechnical Report for subdivisions
The scope includes site inspection to visually assess site geohazards and conduct shallow and deep geotechnical investigations to determine ground conditions.
The investigation and reporting are needed by local authorities and structural engineers to confirm requirements for complex sites and commercial sites. Depending on the size and complexity of each project, the geotechnical investigation will typically consist of:
- Shallow ground testing to 3.0m depth including Hand Augers, shear vane tests, and Scala Penetrometer tests.
- Deep ground testing, which will include cone penetrometer tests (CPT) to a minimum of 10m below ground level where ground conditions allow, or Machine Borehole Tests, where CPT tests cannot be undertaken.

Geotechnical Reports for any Subdivision Projects
We Specialise in the geotechnical report for a small or large subdivision report.
Geotechnical report Cost Varies
The price for a detailed geotechnical investigation and reporting is highly variable due to the size of the project and the number of tests required. There might be unforeseen conditions, that may require further testing excavation, laboratory testing of soils, and external peer review.
Depending on our current workloads and our subcontractor availability, the shallow and deep testing will commence within two to three weeks of confirmation from you and the report issued two to three weeks after. For super urgent jobs, the turnaround time can be reduced to four weeks in total.